“Crystarise Early access Version” is available for game distribution and video submission.

The copyright of this title and the videos of playing this title belongs to YUKIUSAGI Games or the rightful rightful owner of the game in question.

Commercial or profit-oriented use of created and distributed videos is prohibited.
Monetization is allowed.
Please include #Crystarise in your submission.

The use of this title to create content that contains illegal, racist, sexist, sexually harmful, sexually explicit, defamatory, encouraging criminal activity, or otherwise offensive videos or mods (offensive to public order and morals) is prohibited.
It is prohibited to distribute or post videos that extract or use only parts (video, music, audio, graphics) from this title, or cut out material from the game and edit it in a way that has no relevance to the game.

YUKIUSAGI Games assumes no responsibility for any problems that may arise with third parties as a result of the use of this game or videos of this game being played.

YUKIUSAGI Games reserves the right to remove any content that it deems to be in violation of these guidelines, inappropriate, or undesirable.
Please be sure to abide by them.

The content of these guidelines will be updated without prior notice.

If you have any questions or concerns that are not addressed in this guideline, please contact us at the address below.
Please note that it may take some time to reply depending on the content of your inquiry.